IncrediTools flash Demo Builder v1.2.1474 英文正式版(創建用於演示使用的flash動畫的軟體)
1. Copy crack\register.bat file into the install dir and execute it.
2. 序號產生器放至於keygen夾內
flash Demo Builder is an easy to use and unique
tool for creating tutorials, presentations,
interactive quizzes and product demonstrations.
Utilize its powerful screen capture which also
records keypresses and mouse movements to show
clearly how some processes and applications work.
See how it works ...
How you can benefit from using
flash Demo Builder?
Reduce cost and improve productivity by
facilitating online training
Provide and deliver interactive presentations,
course materials, and quizzes to accelerate
knowledge transfer
Impress and reach more potential customers by
creating compelling, intuitive, and dynamic product
The perfect tool for sales and marketing
IncrediTools flash EXE Builder v1.0 英文正式版(把flash轉換成可執行文件的軟體)
A-PDF flash Package Builder v1.6.0 英文正式版(flash包生成器軟體)
AleoSoft flash MP3 Player Builder v3.1.23 英文正式版(批量轉換MP3與WAV等音樂文件轉換為flash(*.SWF)格式的軟體)
IncrediTools flash Video Studio v2.2 英文正式版(轉換視頻文件軟體)
flash2X Screensaver Builder v2.1.0 Datecode 071807 英文正式版(將flash動畫[*.SWF]文件製作為螢幕保護程式[*.SCR]的工具軟體)
IncrediTools IncrediShow v1.0.1165 英文正式版(照片等製成 flash幻燈軟體)
Ultra Video to flash Converter v2.0.2007 1201 英文正式版(視頻文件格式轉換軟體)