Photomatix Tone Mapping v1.2 for photoshop 英文正式版(針對 Adobe photoshop 插件軟體)
用於對 32 點陣圖片動態範圍的壓縮中最大限度地保留局部對比度與色澤。
Adobe photoshop 的插件。
If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the
best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat shadows.
Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem:
- Exposure Blending: Merge differently exposed photographs into one image
with increased dynamic range.
- Tone Mapping: Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created
from multiple exposures. The tone mapped image is ready for printing while
showing the complete dynamic range captured.
OnOne Mask Pro v4.1.1 for Adobe photoshop 英文正式版(一款photoshop扣圖(去背景)濾鏡插件軟體)
Flaming Pear LunarCell v1.70 for photoshop 英文正式版(製作月亮和行星的特效photoshop插件軟體)
Vertus Fluid Mask 3 v2.100.2.RC2 For photoshop 英文正式版(photoshop的摳圖插件軟體)
PTLens Standalone And photoshop Plugin v8.5.2 英文正式版(photoshop插件軟體)
MediaChance ReDynaMix HDR v1.01 for photoshop 英文正式版(動態成像工具,適用於photoshop插件軟體)
OnOne Intellihance Pro v4.2.1 for Adobe photoshop 英文正式版(一套 photoshop 的濾鏡軟體)
EasyDesign 網頁模板 - photoshop 系列 合輯版(DVD版)