Strata Foto 3D CX v2.1 英文正式版(3D軟體)
Strata Foto 3D 這套軟體讓你在將平面影像變成立體影像上提供了強大的使用工具,讓你創
作出專業和高品質3D 作品。
Foto 3D 算圖,它會跟據你照片上的形狀和其表面顏色轉換成立體影像,就可以創作出你的
Strata Foto 3D is a powerful tool for creating professional quality 3D
content from still images. A wide range of objects can be modeled
including those with holes and 'difficult' organic shapes. Using a
conventional camera, photos of your object on a printed mat are taken
from a number of viewpoints in front of a plain backdrop. The shape of
the object and its surface color are automatically extracted from each
photo and this information is used to build a high quality 3D object.
The model can be sent to a 3D layer in
photoshop CS3 EX or imported
into a 3D editing and rendering software such as Strata 3D CX. Finally,
the model can be imported into Strata Live 3D for interactive 3D
display within a website,
flash file, or an
Adobe Acrobat PDF document.
Strata Foto 3D v1.5 英文正式版( 3D 軟體)
Strata Design 3D CX v7.5 英文正式版(三維立體設計軟體)
Strata 3D University Modeling a Mint Candy Container 英文正式版(3D建模教程軟體)
Strata Design 3D CX v6.0.1 英文正式版(三維立體設計軟體)(DVD版)
Foto-Mosaik 4.1.0 繁體中文正式版(圖片、海報製作軟體)
Strata 3D University Modeling a Beveled Inset on an Architectural Element 英文正式版(3D建模教程軟體)
Strata 3D University Working with Counter Spaces II 英文正式版(3D建模教程軟體)