TechSmith Snagit v4.0.5 MacOSX 英文正式版(畫面擷取成影片的軟體)
軟體嗎?SnagIt 就是你要的了!SnagIt 是螢幕擷取技術的領導者,可以方便快速
地截取 Windows 桌面上的任何內容,它可以捲動 Web 頁面供你一次截取,可以截
TechSmith Snagit gives users the tools to communicate ideas
visually, give feedback, and create shareable content. Users can
effortlessly capture their screen and customize it using Snagit's
editing tools. Users can choose from a variety of callouts and
stamps to communicate efficiently, in an engaging and impactful
way. Users can also record their screen or webcam to create a
quick tutorial, lesson, or demonstration. The content created is
easily shareable with TechSmith Snagit's wide array of outputs.
TechSmith Snagit v2018.1.1 MacOS 英文正式版(畫面擷取成影片的軟體)
TechSmith Snagit v2019.1.0 (MacOSX) 螢幕擷取軟體 英文版
TechSmith Camtasia v2.10.7 MacOSX 英文正式版(捕捉螢幕音影的軟體)
TechSmith Camtasia v3.0.0 MacOSX 英文正式版(捕捉螢幕音影的軟體)
TechSmith Camtasia v3.1.2 MacOS 英文正式版(捕捉螢幕音影軟體)
TechSmith Camtasia v3.0.3 MacOSX 英文正式版(捕捉螢幕音影軟體)