Symantec Network Access Control v12.1.2015.2015 x64 英文正式版(網路安全解決方案軟體)
Symantec Network Access Control 12.1 是一款網路安全解決方案,能夠控制企業網路的訪問、
● 阻止或隔離不遵從的設備,防止其訪問公司網路和資源。
● 按照預定義的範本對主機完整性進行測試(如補丁級別、服務包、防病毒軟體和個人防火牆狀態),
● 對公司網路內外的受管理和未加管理的筆記本電腦、台式機和伺服器提供全方位的終端防護。
● 可與 Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.x 和 12.1 無縫集成。
● 適用於 Symantec Enforcer Appliance 選件,旨在對受管和非受管端點實施安全策略。
● 有助於確保端點遵從安全策略。
● 管理和保護訪客對網路的訪問。
● 降低殭屍網路、高級持續性威脅和其他惡意軟體風險。
● 為最終用戶提供更高的網路可用性,並減少服務中斷的情況。
Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 的以下新增功可幫助公司更輕鬆地管理用戶端電腦:
在 Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager 登錄螢幕中,可以重獲忘記的密碼。
iPhone 和
Android 設備。
在用戶端電腦處於空閒狀態、內容過時或已斷開連接時運行 LiveUpdate,在這些情況下,使用的記憶體較少。
借助以下新增安裝功能,Network Access Control 的安裝比以往更便捷:
Symantec Network Access Control protects networks
from unauthorized, misconfigured, and infected
endpoint computing devices. For example, Symantec
Network Access Control can deny network access to
the client computers that do not run specific
versions of software and signatures. If client
computers do not comply, Symantec Network Access
Control can quarantine and remediate the computers.
For example, if client computers have antivirus
definitions that are more than a week old, Symantec
Network Access Control can quarantine the
computers. Symantec Network Access Control can
update the computers with the latest antivirus
definitions (remediation), and then permit the
computers to access the network.
Symantec Network Access Control lets you control
this protection with Host Integrity policies. You
create Host Integrity policies with Symantec
Endpoint Protection Manager Console, and then apply
the policies to groups of client computers. If you
install Symantec Network Access Control client
software only, you can require that client
computers run antivirus, antispyware, and firewall
software. You can also require that they run the
latest operating system service packs and patches,
and create custom application requirements. If
client computers do not comply, you can run
commands on those client computers to try and
update those computers.
If you integrate Symantec Network Access Control
with Symantec Endpoint Protection, you can apply a
firewall policy to the clients that do not comply
with Host Integrity policies. This policy can
restrict the ports that the clients can use for
network access, and can limit the IP addresses that
the clients can access. For example, you can
restrict non-compliant computer communications to
only the computers that contain the software and
updates that are required. This integration is
called self-enforcement.
If you integrate Symantec Network Access Control
with Symantec Enforcer, an optional hardware
device, you can further restrict non-compliant
computers from gaining access to your network. You
can restrict non-compliant computers to specific
network segments for remediation, and you can
completely prohibit access to non-compliant
computers. For example, with Symantec Gateway
Enforcer, you can control external computer access
to your network through VPNs. With Symantec DHCP
and LAN Enforcers, you can control internal
computer access to your network by assigning the
non-routable IP addresses to non-compliant
computers. You can also assign non-compliant
computers to quarantined LAN segments.
Symantec Network Access Control v11.0.6100.645 x64 英文正式版(安全地控制企業網路的訪問軟體)
Symantec Network Access Control v11.0.6100.645 x86 英文正式版(安全地控制企業網路的訪問軟體)
SYMANTEC NETWORK ACCESS CONTROL v11.0.7 MP3 英文正式版(網絡安全訪問控制軟體)
Symantec Network Access Control v12.1.2015.2015 x86 英文正式版(網路安全解決方案軟體)
Juniper Network Odyssey Access Client.Manager v5.10.13465.0 英文正式版(軟體)
Suncross Network Drive Manager v2.5.2.0 Multilingual 多語言企業版(專業的網路驅動器管理軟體)
Wireless Network Watcher v1.40 繁體中文正式版(無線網路使用者偵測軟體)