ACTIVE BOOT DISK SUITE V6.0 英文正式版(系統恢復啟動光碟集成工具軟體)破解說明:
install and check the /unique directory. 內容說明:
LSoft Active Boot Disk Suite 是用於系統恢復的Windows 啟動光碟,具有以下特色: 適用於
不支援啟動的PC; 物理或邏輯硬碟備份恢復;丟失的文件夾和文件恢復;通過編輯分區表恢復刪
除的分區;重新設定系統管理員密碼和用戶賬戶等等。 英文說明:
Active@ Boot Disk is a complete and functioning computer operating
system on CD/DVD/USB disk. Active@ Boot Disk does not modify the
operating system already installed on a computer's hard drive. It
includes many tools to boot up a computer and fix most startup, PC
configuration, and system management problems. 相關商品:
Paragon Boot Media Builder for Hard Disk Manager 12 Server 英文正式版(磁盤管理工具軟件服務器版引導媒體生成器軟體)
LSoft Active Hard Disk Monitor Pro v3.1.9 英文正式版(硬碟監測軟體)