Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer v1.0.1 英文正式版(清除硬碟數據軟體) 安裝序號:
Name : Michael Lenz
Serial: 00002U-G37516-97F9FY-5FZ6UP-EEEQBU-225VK3-ZEJX91-7R6H5K-8J919Z-HXEQXG-696C7Q 內容說明:
清除數據工具(Data Sanitizer),此工具不僅只有把文件在儲存路徑的聯結去除,在安全
除文件,防止意外被別人不當獲取。 英文說明:
Disk Doctors Data Sanitizer work not only by unlinking a file but also
specifically overwriting them with garbage data. For very high security
installations, overwiting the file several times is advised. Many
government institutions have specific disk wiping standards for file
deletion. Particularly, the U.S. DoD specification 5220.22 standard
says a file must be overwritten three times. 相關商品:
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EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional / Technician / AdvancedPE v9.8 繁體中文/英文版(資料恢復軟體軟體)