Lexis Front Office Time Matters Enterprise v9.2.17.392 英文正式版(綜合的事務處理,客戶管理,日程安排,email等的軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Office excel變成一個綜合的事務處理,客戶管理,日程安排,email等的工具。
Time Matters helps law firms and groups within them
manage the complex flow of practice information.
Professionals use Time Matters to capture time and
expense data and connect it to specific matter,
case and client records. They also use it to view,
track and manage information across the firm
including centralized scheduling, management of
documents, checking for conflicts, tracking work
progress and more. Time Matters works from each
professional? desktop and integrates seamlessly
with BlackBerry?and Palm Pocket?PC handheld
Hastasoft Safer Mail v7.0.1.243 Enterprise German 英文正式版(電子郵件的收發與維護管理軟體)
Fookes Aid4Mail v1.973 Enterprise 英文企業版(電子郵件遷移軟體)
Fookes Aid4Mail v1.974 Enterprise 英文企業版(電子郵件用戶端軟體)
Hastasoft Safer Mail v7.0.233 Enterprise German 德語正式版(電子郵件的收發與維護管理軟體)
Fookes Aid4Mail Enterprise v1.986 英文正式版(電子郵件資訊遷移軟體)
JAM Software SmartSerialMail Enterprise v5.1.1 英文正式版(電子郵件群發軟體)
Hastasoft Safer Mail v7.0.227 Enterprise German 德語正式版(電子郵件的收發與維護管理軟體)