Dolphin SMASH v5.10.0 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體) 安裝序號:
序號產生器放至於keygen夾內 內容說明:
是SMASH能處理模擬或是連續時間的訊號與不連續時間的訊號,例如:邏輯(二進位 binary)
或數字(十進位 decimal)。多層次指的是SMASH並沒有被限制在某些modeling level上,即
Verilog-HDL語法或 VHDL語法描述的設計作多層次混合信號模擬。SMASH能快速地模擬驗證
所設計的混合信號晶片,非常適合用來解決混合信號晶片設計問題, 以提供高效能的混合
信號晶片設計模擬驗證環境,減化複雜電路模擬驗證的程式,縮短晶片設計的時程。 英文說明:
Designers are faced with an untractable situation where they
need a lot of know-how and guess work for checking their
real SoC. SMASH is the Reference Platinum Simulator
enabling truthfully the combination of digital, logic and
analog multi-domain modeling as well as Instruction Set
simulation (ISS) with no need for a "cosimulation
backplane". Each of its successive releases contributes to
reinforcing its unique features that make it the best for
mixed-signal or multi-level designs:
* Without the tweakings and twiddlings required from
foundries for so-called Golden simulators to make them look
good, while most designers cannot trust their designs from
their simulation results. SMASH is a must for
Right-on-First-Pass designs. 相關商品:
Dolphin SMASH v5.8.4 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體)
Dolphin SMASH v5.11.1 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體)
Dolphin SMASH v5.11.2 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體)
Dolphin SMASH v5.10.1 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體)
Dolphin SMASH v5.12.0 SOLARIS 英文正式版(混合信號兼顧多層次模擬軟體)