Sage ACT Premium 2009 v11.0.0.367 英文正式版(聯繫人和客戶管理軟體)
ACT! 是全球銷量第一的聯繫人和客戶管理軟體,全球擁有超過 270 萬個個人用戶和超過 4 萬
個企業客戶。ACT! 以容易學習和使用而在業內聞名,尤其適合銷售型的個人與小型企業,極大
ACT! 幫助個人和小型企業快速訪問關鍵聯繫人和客戶資訊,管理和優先處理銷售活動,追蹤所
Microsoft Office,Lotus Notes,財務產品以及手持設備。
選擇 ACT! 的理由:
‧ ACT! 將重要的聯繫人資料進行整合儲存和管理,您可以隨時快速獲取您需要的資訊。
‧ ACT! 非常容易學習和使用,您可以快速啟動和運行此小型軟體。
‧ 高效管理您的日常事務,包括重要的電話、會議等。
‧ ACT! 與您日常辦公軟體緊密結合,您依舊可以按照習慣去工作。
‧ 輕鬆地定制 ACT!,滿足您的業務模式需要。
‧ 與您的客戶有效聯繫,保持有效率地溝通。
‧ ACT! 的 Dashboard 幫您獲得重要資訊的描述,對您的工作任務、
‧ ACT! 的 Dashboard 還將幫您完成各種報表,滿足您匯報工作的需要。
‧ 您將隨時隨地,甚至遠端地從 ACT! 中獲取關鍵客戶資訊,輔助銷售活動。
‧ 預測和跟蹤銷售機會,提供客戶行為的深入洞察力,為銷售行為提供決策。
‧ 獲得準確及時的銷售預測及分析報告。
‧ 大大降低軟體擁有成本 (TCO),軟體不再成為IT預算的負擔。
‧ 集中和安全地儲存企業資訊,保障數據安全,並且獲得高可用性。
Your business life is hectic. Meeting deadlines and
handling all the necessary details are urgent
We understand. ACT! Premium Solutions were created
for teams of people like you-people who must manage
their growing business and associated business
relationships. You and your team need a way of
tracking and sharing information with team members
and managers to ensure goals are being met.
Choose ACT! Premium Solutions so you can provide a
better customer experience because you have a
complete, integrated view of those relationships-all
in one easy-to-access location.
productivity so you have time to focus your
attention on business-critical activities. Your
managers get a detailed snapshot of team performance
to ensure targets are being met, while comprehensive
reporting helps them make informed decisions to
successfully advance the business.
* Centralize important prospect and customer
relationship details for quick, organized access.
* Manage interactions at the company or account
level for a complete view of relationships with
that organization.
* Get up-to-speed quickly and remain productive
because of the easy to learn and use interface,
eliminating the need for formal training.
* Find specific relationship details instantly
using powerful search capabilities in an
easy-to-use format.
* Manage daily responsibilities by scheduling and
tracking activities to ensure individual and team
* Forecast and track sales opportunities to stay on
top of all new leads and to provide management
with insight into sales pipelines.
* Gain instant and accurate insight into individual
and team performance using dashboards and
* Communicate consistently and successfully with
prospects and customers using
Microsoftr Outlookr
or other e-mail solutions used by your
* Share and secure precious prospect and customer
relationship details across teams of users.
* Easily customize1 ACT! Premium Solutions, with
little technical knowledge required, to fulfill
the requirements of your organization and to
ensure adoption.
* Deploy and implement ACT! Premium Solutions
quickly and maintain with ease.
* Support an anywhere workforce with Windows, Web2,
and mobile access options.
* Integrate ACT! Premium Solutions with the
applications already used by your organization to
make the most of existing technology investments.
* Enhance the power of ACT! Premium Solutions with
extensibility options available to
Sage ACT Premium v14.0.572.0 英文正式版(賽捷聯繫人及客戶管理軟體)
SAGE ACT PREMIUM 2009 V11 HAPPY ANTI PIRACY DAY 英文正式版(賽捷聯繫人及客戶管理軟體)
Sage ACT Premium 2011 v13.0.401.0 英文正式版(頭號的銷售管理和顧客管理軟體)
Swiftpage Act Premium v16.1 German 英文正式版(賽捷聯繫人及客戶管理軟體)
Sage Peachtree Quantum 2008 英文正式版(用於小型機構和企業的會計、財務和ERP管理軟體)
Swiftpage Act Premium America v16.2 英文正式版(管理應用軟體)
Sage Peachtree Quantum 2010 Accountant Edition 英文正式版(賽捷ERP管理軟體)